ITCHY atelier borns in a warm afternoon of September, 2011, from the minds of Laura Fornoni and Giovanni Doci.
The two designers met at the university and after many places, experiences and projects, join again the forces to create exciting products that are functional, smart and let you smile.


Open Ateliers Luzern

Mod.o.c., the Almove Projects and some projects from Giovanni, recently presented during the furniture week in Milano,  will be exhibited in Luzern during the Open Ateliers day in Luzern, Sunday 29. April 2012, 12-19h.

Gelbes Haus, Reussport 5, Luzern.

If you are around, pass by!


Archivio Sacchi

Itchy Atelier will be present during the Exhibition "non aspettare di diventar vecchio per finire in un archivio" @ the Archivio Sacchi to showcase the new objects designed for the company Almove.

From the 17th till the 21st in Via Granelli 1, Sesto San Giovanni, Milano.

Mod.o.c. @ the Salone

We are proud to announce that Mod.o.c. will be presented by XYZdesign during the Salone Internazionale del Mobile! with the project: OPERAZIONE PROTOTOZOI

From the 17th till the 22nd April, Via Ventura 6, Milano